Monday, April 27, 2009

It is National Infertility Awareness Week!

Thanks to a friend I met on facebook, Amy Hibbard from VA, I am now aware that this week - April 25-May 2 is National Infertility Awareness Week. Amy and I are both infertility survivors. If you are someone suffering from infertility or know someone suffering from it... reach out or reach out to them. Infertility is a lonely, isolating process that consumes your life at the time you are going through. Please know there is hope and to never give up on your dreams. I love my infertility gals and even though I have my girls, I will never forget the need and ache in my heart until I had them in my arms.

Thinking of all the infertility couples fighting the battle right now. Love, baby dust and prayers to all.

Infertility and Multiple Miscarriage Survivor 2001-2006
Angel Babies May 2002 8 weeks, Nov. 2004 11 weeks, July 2008 12 weeks and Jan. 2009 (Eptopic) 5 weeks.

Here is a great website about it:

1 comment:

Natural fertility said...

This National Infertility Awareness Week can help a lot of women as well as couples out there who have been struggling in getting pregnant. This could also help them understand their current situation and be able to identify which treatment they could use to help them get pregnant. In line with this, I found this site that maybe helpful.