Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage Myths

Having 4 miscarriages... I have often wondered there is something I have done wrong... or something was terribly wrong with my body or what not. So I went out searching for answers. Here is a good list of things that DO NOT casue miscarriages or pregnancy loss. In my opinion, the most important message is that YOU did not make it happen. No matter what.

There are a lot of myths that surround pregnancy loss. To better understand pregnancy loss, it's important to understand the things that don't cause a woman to miscarry.

Miscarriages in early pregnancy are not caused by:

having sex
eating the "wrong" food
drinking alcohol (but don't if you know you are pregnant)
morning sickness
using birth control pills before or after you got pregnant
a fall, a blow or a fright
stress or worry
wondering whether or not you wanted the baby
having previously had an abortion.

It's important to remember that these factors do not cause pregnancy loss in the first 12 weeks - despite some popular beliefs to the contrary. It's also important to remember that, as heartbreaking as it is, pregnancy loss is not uncommon. In many cases, it is nature's way of preventing a pregnancy that is not developing as it should.

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