Monday, April 27, 2009

It is National Infertility Awareness Week!

Thanks to a friend I met on facebook, Amy Hibbard from VA, I am now aware that this week - April 25-May 2 is National Infertility Awareness Week. Amy and I are both infertility survivors. If you are someone suffering from infertility or know someone suffering from it... reach out or reach out to them. Infertility is a lonely, isolating process that consumes your life at the time you are going through. Please know there is hope and to never give up on your dreams. I love my infertility gals and even though I have my girls, I will never forget the need and ache in my heart until I had them in my arms.

Thinking of all the infertility couples fighting the battle right now. Love, baby dust and prayers to all.

Infertility and Multiple Miscarriage Survivor 2001-2006
Angel Babies May 2002 8 weeks, Nov. 2004 11 weeks, July 2008 12 weeks and Jan. 2009 (Eptopic) 5 weeks.

Here is a great website about it: